Empowering Birth Experiences: Lessons Learned and the Power of Informed Choices

A question I am often asked; Why did I choose to become a doula and, eventually, a midwife? The answer is simple yet deeply personal. I wanted to see expectant parents have better birth experiences than what was previously the norm. Witnessing individuals feel empowered and informed during one of life's most significant moments has always been a driving force for me.

Let's delve into some key lessons learned along my journey, and how these insights can help birth families make informed decisions about their birthing experiences.

1. The Importance of Informed Choices

Firstly, understand that you have a voice and can make choices about your birth experience. Learning your options for your entire pregnancy, birth and postpartum care will help you make decisions that best suit you and your families’ needs. Working with a midwife, doula or childbirth educator will give you the guidance and time you need to go over all the options for your care. It can be so overwhelming with everyone and everything having an opinion on each aspect of what happens to you and your child. I include childbirth education in my care because it is imperative that I and the family have a shared language, along with trust building so that informed decision making can be possible.

2.Finding Inner Strength

One thing that always amazes me is witnessing the incredible inner strength of a birthing parent during labor, especially when they think they’ve reached their limit, only to dig deeper within themselves. With the support of well suited family, friends and care providers a mother can tap into the strength from their community to find the grace under fire. Birth is presented in such a terrifying way, I respect birth but it doesn’t have to be something to fear. 

3.Support Networks Matter

A word on family members, friends or healthcare professionals. Anyone can significantly influence your birth experience, surrounding yourself with positive influences who believe in your vision will support you through, not just your birth but, your entire parenting experience. The network you build now will most likely be with you for years to come. They are there to celebrate, to be frustrated and to cry with you; In parenting, “The days are long but the years are short”.

So why not join me on this empowering journey? Let's create more positive narratives toward childbirth together! Whether you're an expectant parent or looking for reproductive healthcare in general, I'm here to help. Get in touch today and let's start the conversation.


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